Open Science - Towards a high-quality and transparent research cycle

Achieving solid and demonstrable scientific quality implies INBO will eventually operate as much as possible in accordance with the methods of open and reproducible research - in short, Open Science. In order to operationalise Open Science at INBO, generic Open Science Targets (OSTs) will be drawn up for projects. This is an ideal picture of how projects can best be implemented in the long term. Progress has already been made in the past. The OSTs deal with scientific characteristics of projects (content-related / technical). Aspects of process control (e.g. planning, project evaluation, personnel evaluation) fall outside the scope. The project aims at a step-by-step implementation of the Open Science Targets in project work across (EV)INBO as a whole. Both the scientific support and the research teams therefore have coordinated roles to play in this respect.Status | Running |
Actual start/end date | 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2035 |
- Analytic Laboratory
- Genetic Diversity
- Open science lab for biodiversity
- Wildlife Management and Invasive Species
- Nature & Society
- Biometry, Methodology and Quality Assurance
- Biotope Diversity
- Forest Ecology and - Management
- Landscape Ecology and Nature Management
- Datamanagement
- Communication and Planning
- Library and Information Management
- Environment and Climate
- Aquatic Management
- Nature Report and Advice Coordination
- Freshwater Habitats
- Monitoring and Restoration of Aquatic Fauna
- Management Team
- Estuaries
INBO Research theme(s)
- Data & infrastructure
Carine WilsPeter Van Gossum
Jim Casaer
Jan Breine
Gerrit Genouw
Dimitri Brosens
Nicolas Vanermen
Toon Van Daele
Bart Goossens
Ine Pauwels
Lymke Janssens
An Leyssen
Marijke Thoonen
Peter Desmet
Francis Turkelboom
Floris Vanderhaeghe
Karen Cox
Tim Adriaens
Hans Van Calster
Arno Thomaes
Jeroen Vanden Borre
Thierry Onkelinx
Tom De Dobbelaer
Aaike De Wever
Tanja Milotic
Damiano Oldoni
Saskia Wanner
Marc Pollet
Tanja Milotic
Frederic Piesschaert
Raïsa Carmen
Aaike De Wever
Julie Callebaut
Jomme Desair
Floris Vanderhaeghe