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Marc Pollet

Since early 2019 Marc Pollet makes part of the Management Team of INBO. Previously, he acted both as Head of the Information and Data Centre (IDC) (2009-2013) and as Research Team Leader and Coordinator of the team Species Diversity resp., within the same organization. As Research  Manager, Marc is responsible for the coaching and supervision of four INBO research teams: Biometry, Methodology and Quality Control (BMK); Game Management and Invasive Alien Species (FIS); Open Science for Biodiversity (OSCIBIO); and Species Diversity. Besides that, he presides two INBO committees, the Committee for Scientific Integrity (CWI) and the Ethical Committee for Animal Welfare (ECD), and is responsible for the framework agreement between the Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and INBO. On policy level he participates as member of INBO to the Working Group Research Coordination of the Environmental Department. He also represents INBO in the Federal NEHAP Working Group Exotic Mosquitoes and Other Vectors (EMAV). As president of the steering committee he currently also supervises the long term Species Monitoring Networks project (INBO-ANB). Between 2017 and 2020, he executed the same mandate in the Monitoring of Exotic Mosquitoes (MEMO) project. Finally, Marc is also member of the Working Group of the Agency for Nature and Forest (ANB) around Species Protection Programs.

Biodiversity research is at the heart of Marc’ s interests. His taxonomic expertise is situated in entomology, though. During his Master’s and PhD projects he investigated the ecology and feeding habits of grassland inhabiting ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Since the mid 80’ies his personal research focuses on long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of the Palaearctic realm and the Neotropics. He often conducts or takes part in scientific expeditions, mostly in Central and South American regions. Between 1983 and 2020 Marc published about 265 scientific contributions. At present, also the global decline of invertebrate populations and drivers of this process (e.g., agriculture) draw his special attention, also within the frame of INBO research.
