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Tim Adriaens

Contact 0496 62 61 78


Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73
1000 Brussel

Tim is a conservation ecologist at INBO, the Flemish Research Institute on biodiversity. He is coordinating invasive species in the Wildlife Management and Invasive Species team. His research is focused on surveillance, monitoring and open data, risk assessment, impact, risk management, ecosystem restoration and human dimensions. His job is on the interface of science and policy and he provides a lot of policy advice on invasive species. Working with stakeholders in a community of practice on invasion management is a daily part of his job. Current research topics include, among others, sustainable control of invasive mammals, amphibians and birds, horizon scanning and risk assessment, pathway analysis, early detection systems, rapid eradication and monitoring of various taxa, invasive species recording using citizen science.


ORCID ORCID logo 0000-0001-7268-4200
Teams Management Team