Area analyses: scientific support for the formulation of area visions concerning remediation measures per special protection zone-habitat (SBZ-H) subzone
The aim of this project is to identify the priority Programmatic Nitrogen Approach (PAS) rehabilitation measures that can be taken to prevent further deterioration, and ensure recovery in each sub-area of a Special Protection Area (SBZ). The prioritisation of PAS restoration measures at the Flanders level will be evaluated and, if necessary, adjusted taking into account the landscape-ecological specificities of the subzone. This information shall be compiled in a database containing tables for each subzone and habitat type for which the critical nitrogen deposition value has been exceeded. An accompanying report per SBZ (with chapters per subzone) summarises the relevant underlying landscape ecological processes, the state of the habitat types for which the critical deposition value in the subzone has been exceeded and the bottlenecks. This gives rise to the specific priorities for the subzones, the high priority ones will be summarised in the accompanying report.Status | Uitgevoerd |
Actual start/end date | 26/10/2015 - 31/10/2018 |
- Nature Report and Advice Coordination
- Landscape Ecology and Nature Management
- Estuaries
- Freshwater Habitats
- Biotope Diversity
- Species Diversity
- Environment and Climate
- Genetic Diversity
- Forest Ecology and - Management
- Monitoring and Restoration of Aquatic Fauna
- Biometry, Methodology and Quality Assurance
- Open science lab for biodiversity
- Management Team
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
Lieve VriensLode De Beck
Leon Lommaert
Marijke Thoonen
Niko Boone
Alexander Van Braeckel
An Leyssen
Dirk Hennebel
Dirk Maes
Dries Adriaens
Frank Van Oost
Indra Jacobs
Jan Ruymen
Jan Van Uytvanck
Jan Wouters
Jeroen Vanden Borre
Joachim Mergeay
Kevin Scheers
Kris Decleer
Kris Vandekerkhove
Luc De Keersmaeker
Marlies Froidmont
Mathias Wackenier
Patrik Oosterlynck
Ralf Gyselings
Robin Guelinckx
Sam Provoost
Steven De Saeger
Toon Spanhove
Wim Mertens
Erika Van den Bergh
Inne Vught
Toon Van Daele
Marc Pollet
Frank Van de Meutter
Els De Bie
Cécile Herr
Luc Denys
Maud Raman
Martine Van Hove
Geert De Knijf
Jorgen Op De Beeck
Klaas Debusschere
Hans Van Calster
Jo Packet
Arno Thomaes
Floris Vanderhaeghe
Piet De Becker
Bart Vandevoorde
Pieter Dhaluin
Arne Verstraeten
Anja De Braekeleer
Peter Desmet
Gunther Van Ryckegem
Janine van Vessem
Ward Tamsyn
Pieter Hendrickx
Myriam Kumpen
Leon Lommaert
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