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Reply to the comment on 'Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision' by Bogaart et al.

Unfortunately the abstract isn't available in English yet.


Volume 158
Magazine issue 3
Pages (to-from) 891-893
Type A1: Web of Science-article
Category Research
Magazine Journal of Ornithology
Issns 0021-8375|1439-0361|2193-7192
Publisher Springer
Language English

title = "Reply to the comment on 'Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision' by Bogaart et al.",
abstract = "",
author = "Thierry Onkelinx and Koenraad Devos and Ivy Jansen and Hans Van Calster and Paul Quataert",
year = "2017",
month = jul,
day = "01",
doi = "",
language = "English",
publisher = "Springer",
address = "Belgium,
type = "Other"