monitoring techniques for hard to monitor, observe or register species
This project is a collection of various research activities regarding hard to observe or record species. It focuses on collecting information which in the long run will allow to develop sustainable monitoring methods for these species and / or to determine the habitats of these species more accurately. The search for efficiency gains in the monitoring of species is among the goals of this research.Status | Uitgevoerd |
Actual start/end date | 01/11/2015 - 30/06/2019 |
- Species Diversity
- Genetic Diversity
- Forest Ecology and - Management
- Wildlife Management and Invasive Species
- Landscape Ecology and Nature Management
- Estuaries
- Freshwater Habitats
- Biometry, Methodology and Quality Assurance
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Data & infrastructure
Luc De BruynAn Van Breusegem
Arno Thomaes
Axel Neukermans
Bart Christiaens
David Halfmaerten
Filip Berlengee
Jan Gouwy
Jeroen Speybroeck
Jo Packet
Joachim Mergeay
Karen Cox
Koen Van Den Berge
Leen Verschaeve
Marc Pollet
Nancy Van Liefferinge
Ralf Gyselings
Sabrina Neyrinck
Thierry Onkelinx
Rein Brys
Geen resultaten teruggevonden.