Monitoring Natura2000 habitat quality (incl. substantive aspects of implementation)

(Lars Soerink - Vildaphoto)
In the context of the six-yearly reporting on the conservation status of the Natura2000 habitat types, their quality is monitored so as to make decisions possible at the level of Flanders and the network of Habitats Directive sites. This is done in pre-defined monitoring networks and through predetermined field protocols. Habitat types with a small total area that occur in only a few places are fully monitored, while others are monitored using a sampling frame. The measurement cycle is 12 years. The recording of vegetation is standard. This is supplemented as necessary with additional elements (especially structure variables) for determining the local conservation status. We are carrying this out in collaboration with ANB. For example, forest habitat types are being monitored through the forest inventory.Status | Running |
Actual start/end date | 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2029 |
- Biometry and Quality Assurance
- Freshwater Habitats
- Forest Ecology and - Management
- Biotope Diversity
- Estuaries
- Management Team
- Biometry, Methodology and Quality Assurance
- Landscape Ecology and Nature Management
- Organisation Support
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Water
- Data & infrastructure
An LeyssenArno Thomaes
Dirk Bauwens
Dirk Hennebel
Erika Van den Bergh
Frank Van Oost
Gerald Louette
Hans Van Calster
Indra Jacobs
Jo Packet
Kevin Scheers
Kris Vandekerkhove
Luc Denys
Patrik Oosterlynck
Paul Quataert
Pieter Verschelde
Rémar Erens
Robin Guelinckx
Sam Provoost
Steven De Saeger
Thierry Onkelinx
Toon Van Daele
Toon Westra
Vincent Smeekens
Els De Bie
Frederic Van Lierop
Bart Vandevoorde
Jeroen Vanden Borre
Geert De Knijf
Florian Van Hecke
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