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Designing survey schemes for Invasive Alien Species



This project aims to develop a plan for a structured monitoring network for invasive alien species (IAS) in Flanders. We will apply the systematic guide to monitoring network design of Onkelinx et al. (2008) to a set of relevant IAS (including the European Union list). For these species, we identify information needs, survey stakeholders about their monitoring needs, interview experts to identify effective and efficient monitoring and surveillance methods, and check what monitoring is already in place. Based on this information, a steering committee establishes priorities. Then we establish a plan for collecting and analyzing monitoring data. The intention is to roll out a similar monitoring approach for invasive alien species as for protected species through in function of different objectives (surveillance, rapid detection, trend assessment, management evaluation), spatial aspects (areas at risk of introduction, areas at risk of impact), current data availability and a possible governance framework. This project meets the obligation to establish surveillance for Invasive Alien Species of the Union List of the EU Regulation. It also has a link to the creation of a Flemish Exotic Species Cell to streamline the approach to IAS across administrations and within which INBO is responsible for monitoring (potentially) invasive species.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/06/2024 - 31/05/2025


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Invasive species