ready. You are currently on: Promotion materials FUTURE PROEF AWARD (English)

Promotion materials

Would you like to promote the Future Proef Award? Below you will find promotional materials.

    ZIP-file Campaign Illustration

    You will find various sizes of the illustration in this package. You can choose the size depending on the medium you are using. The medium type is indicated in the file name. There are two versions of text on the image:

    1. ‘Choose a sustainable future with your final project’: Use these images when communicating directly with students.
    2. ‘Promote a final project for a sustainable future’: Use these images when communicating directly with lecturers or other target groups who can help promote sustainable final projects. ‘Promote’ can be used here in a dual sense: ‘to promote’ or ‘to guide as a supervisor in a final project’.

    You can use a vertical or horizontal logo, with or without the URL. It’s important to direct the target audience of your communication to this website. If you add the website URL elsewhere (e.g., in accompanying text or as a link behind the logo or campaign image), you can use the blank logo. If you primarily want to promote the website with the logo, use the logo with the URL.

    Campaign illustration for students
    Campaign illustration for lecturers
    LOGO FPA Liggend met URL
    Horizontal logo with URL.