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Selection process

How is the selection of the final theses and projects organized?

Each institution independently selects the most promising final projects that can compete for the Future Proef Award at the Flemish level. An expert jury evaluates these submissions and selects the ultimate winners, who are rewarded with a cash prize of 3,000 euros for their master’s, bachelor’s, or associate degree’s thesis or project. Students or student groups who finish in 2nd or 3rd place receive a cash prize of 500 euros.

Pre-selection per institution

At the Future Proef Award, the battle for the prizes starts at the higher education institutions themselves. Each institution has the freedom to organize the selection process in its own way. The jury at the institutional level selects a maximum of 3 final projects per educational level (associate’s degree, bachelor’s, and master’s degree) as local winners. Institutions that offer arts programmes can select additionally max. 2 Masters in Arts. Some institutions may organize an event to honor these winners after the preselection.

In the autumn of 2024, when all registrations are recorded, you will receive more information from your institution about the procedure for the institution-specific preselection. At the end of 2024 you’ll know if you are nominated for the Flemish level.

Selection at the Flemish level

It gets even more exciting at the Flemish level. There, your final project pits you against students from other higher education institutions. An independent jury will scrutinise the selections per educational level and weigh them up against each other. A first selection is made on the basis of the completed justification forms (more info on this under ‘registration’). In the next phase, an independent jury debates a smaller number of final projects to select the winners from this assessment.

And then, finally… In April 2025, we will announce the first Future Proef Award winners.