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Monitoring van prioritaire dier- en plantensoorten in Vlaanderen. opstart van nieuwe meetnetten

Unfortunately the abstract isn't available in English yet.


Volume 15
Magazine issue 4
Pages (to-from) 156-165
Type A2: Article in a journal with peer review, not included in A1
Category Research
Magazine Natuur.Focus
Issns 1379-8863
Publisher Natuurpunt
Language Dutch

title = "Monitoring van prioritaire dier- en plantensoorten in Vlaanderen",
abstract = "",
author = "Toon Westra and Geert De Knijf and Hannes Ledegen and Luc De Bruyn and Dirk Maes and Thierry Onkelinx and Frederic Piesschaert and Wouter Vanreusel and Bernard Van Elegem and Marc Pollet and Paul Quataert",
year = "2016",
month = dec,
day = "01",
doi = "",
language = "English",
publisher = "Natuurpunt",
address = "Belgium,
type = "Other"