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Structural monitoring of management contracts


In the Flemish Programme Document for Rural Development (PDPO), a number of strategic objectives were set out which form the basis for a number of management contracts designed to encourage farmers to contribute to the achievement of environmental and nature objectives. Farmers can, on a voluntary basis, enter into a contract with the Flemish Land Agency (VLM) under which they undertake to carry out one or more management packages for a period of five years against payment of a predetermined fee. The aim of this project is to assess whether these measures achieve their objective and result in improved biodiversity in rural areas. In 2010 EV INBO developed an impact indicator in collaboration with INBO that quantifies the ecological' profit' (causality study and validation) of the various management agreements for arable and meadow bird measures (Strubbe et al. 2010). Through targeted breeding bird inventories in a number of selected agricultural areas throughout Flanders, insight is gained into the relationship between type, densities and spread of management measures and the presence, densities and land use of breeding birds in these areas. The measuring network consists of 14 measurement areas with a pronounced gradient of PDPO II measures. During the breeding season of 2010, this monitoring network was fully measured (zero measurement) for the first time.
Status Uitgevoerd
Actual start/end date 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Agriculture