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Sea Scheldt habitat mapping (aMT)


In the target scenario of the Long-Term Vision (LTV) and the Development Plan (DP) 2010 for the Scheldt estuary, low-dynamism intertidal and shallow wetlands are described as key physical system characteristics and as ecologically very valuable for benthic organisms and the fish and birds dependent on them. The Natura 2000 objectives and the LTV 2030 target scenario aim for the maintenance/reinforcement of the estuarine habitat. It is therefore important to investigate the physical and morphological processes that determine the occurrence (in space and time) of ecologically valuable shallow wetlands and intertidal areas in the Scheldt estuary. This assignment is part of the framework agreement with the Maritime Access Section of the Department of Mobility and Public Works (MOW), and aims to refine and validate the ecotope system in the Scheldt estuary. This research supports the MONEOS programme (a monitoring programme coordinated by the Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Commission) - Diversity of Habitats component.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2028


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Water
  • Protected nature
  • Nature & society