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Ecosystem monitoring for the NEC Directive in synergy with ongoing and foreseen monitoring


INBO is called upon to commit itself to monitoring the environment in ecosystems under the European NEC Directive on Air Pollution 2016 and its implementation in VLAREM II. In collaboration with ANB, the Department of Environment and VMM, INBO examines how the requirements of NEC monitoring can be met by making maximum use of ongoing and already planned environmental monitoring (Natura 2000, Water Framework Directive). It is therefore not the intention to design an additional monitoring network. Belgian reports for NEC ecosystem monitoring are expected from the European Commission in 2018 + 2019 and after that every four years. This is a shared VMM-INBO responsibility in Flanders, in accordance with VLAREM II.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/09/2014 - 31/12/2035


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Data & infrastructure