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Universal Design Norway

Country/region: Norway

Year: 2021

Some Norvegian publications on Universal Design:

  • This booklet ‘Design for Diversity’ includes information about Universal Design in Schools and Kindergartens in Norway. The goal is to contribute to an inclusive society by sharing best practices and removing barriers.
  • This handbook for Age-Friendly Communities gives more information about planning, communication and co-creation. It describes the stages in the development of age-friendly communities en how to design them.
  • This handbook ‘Universal Design contributes to an age-friendly society’ describes how Universal Design contributes to an age-friendly society. It shows good examples from Norwegian municipalities and county councils.
  • In the handbook ‘Necessary for some, good for everyone’ you can find some of the exciting and innovative measures that Norwegian municipalities and counties have implemented to provide better access for all to public spaces, meeting places and buildings.

  • This leaflet presents some of the numerous innovative initiatives carried out by regional and local authorities in Norway. The goal is to give everyone better access to outdoor spaces, meeting places and buildings.