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The agency Inter

Inter is a young agency with the aim of making Flanders accessible to everyone. The official name of Inter is the ‘Accessible Flanders’ agency.

Our mission statement

Inter is building an inclusive society in which everyone can participate fully and independently: young, old, with or without disabilities and under all circumstances.

Inter develops expertise, provides services to and connects governments, professionals and citizens to work together more cohesively towards an accessible living environment.


Everyone has the right to a sustainable, high-quality and comfortable environment. With or without limitation. To achieve this, attention must be paid to accessibility from the start of a project until completion. Working on accessibility means taking the full picture into account and paying attention to detail. Whether it concerns a building, an environment, an event, communication or services.

What good is an accessible toilet that you can only reach via a staircase? Or an accessible event without accessible public transport to get there? With the accessibility chain, Inter takes all links into account. If one part is not in order, you exclude people.

Together with strong partners

Making society accessible is not something you do by yourself. Inter connects an extensive network of strong partners: policy, professional partners such as designers or event organisers and users. Inter provides interaction and coherence and maintains an overview.

Short history

In the autumn of 2013, the Government of Flanders approved the establishment of the Accessible Flanders agency. At that time, there were already organisations working on accessibility: the non-profit organisations Ato, Enter, Intro, Toegankelijkheidsbureau and Westkans.

On May 1, 2015, they merged into one agency with the name Inter, to work together with all their strengths and knowledge towards an accessible Flanders.


Inter was founded via the Flemish authorisation decree of 28 March 2014.

The aim of this decree is to bring together all existing knowledge about accessibility in a powerful, well-functioning and high-quality organisation.

Inter is an external independent agency (EVA), with a private law form. This means that it carries out duties for the Flemish government through a cooperation agreement.

Our assignments

  1. Striving for an integral accessible and inclusive society, so that everyone can participate equally and fully in all parts of life.
  2. Using and highlighting the principles of Universal Design. With Universal Design or designing for everyone, you create the basic conditions so that people can use the environment equally, safely and in a user-friendly manner. In all their diversity and in all possible situations.
  3. Connecting users, professionals and policy.