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Site Visits Bruges: Building Bridges between heritage and Inclusion

  • Site visits in Bruges: Gruuthuse Museum, Provincial Court, Municipal Conservatory, Brusk and city walk

  • Tuesday June 25 and Wednesday June 26, 2024

  • Free city visits

Discover the harmony between heritage and accessibility

It is not always easy to make immovable heritage accessible. But it is possible!

During these 2 days you will discover the success factors of accessible heritage projects through site visits. You look at projects with heritage value from different angles, guided by experts. Buildings, environments, experience and even mobility within a heritage context are discussed.

City walk

Discover the enchanting city of Bruges during a special city walk that combines heritage and accessibility. Stroll through the centuries-old streets and along the picturesque canals. We follow routes that are more accessible for wheelchair users and people with mobility limitations. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this UNESCO World Heritage Site as we walk past beautiful medieval buildings and famous landmarks. Join us for an unforgettable journey through Bruges’ past, focusing on inclusion without compromising the city’s beauty and heritage.


  • June 25: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • 20 participants
  • Guided tour by Els Pieraerts, accessibility officer of the city of Bruges
  • Start: BMCC, Beursplein 1 in Bruges
  • Accessibility: routes that are more accessible for wheelchair users, people with mobility limitations

Gruuthuse Museum

After a renovation period of 5 years, the Bruges Gruuthuse Museum opened its doors again. The city palace was restored, the route was renewed and the museum broadened its public outreach.

The museum had many challenges in terms of accessibility. It is a historic monument with three floors. There are always small differences in level between the rooms.

The museum focused heavily on the experience of visitors with hearing or visual impairments. Visitors with sensory disabilities now experience Gruuthuse’s stories, for example, via tactile stations.


  • Tuesday, June 25: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m (FULL) or 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  • 15 participants

  • Guided tour by Katelijne Vertongen, city of Bruges

  • Address: Dijver 17C in Bruges

  • Accessibility: the museum is only accessible by stairs, so it is not accessible to visitors with a physical disability.


Discover the future of art in the heart of the city center of Bruges during an exclusive site visit to the BRUSK shipyard. Musea Brugge is building the future in the heart of the city center of Bruges. With the new BRUSK exhibition hall, the BRON research center, the renovation of the Groeninge Museum and the construction of a new, green art site in the middle of the Bruges Museum Quarter, they invest in an innovative, contemporary art policy with an impact far beyond our national borders.

During the visit you will have a unique opportunity to look behind the scenes at this progressive project that makes us dream of high-profile exhibitions, vibrant meetings and a green museum park.


  • Tuesday, June 25: 10 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  • 20 participants

  • Guided tour by Ramona Nicolaescu, architect of the city of Bruges

  • Start: Arentshuis, Dijver 16 in Bruges

  • Accessibility: BRUSK is under construction. It is a construction site and unfortunately not accessible. Please note: Bring safety shoes. Helmets are provided.

Municipal Conservatory

Discover the renovated Municipal Conservatory in Bruges during an exclusive visit that brings heritage and accessibility together. After two intensive years of renovation, the historic Claesman House will be put back into use in the autumn of 2022, with attention to functional adjustments and restoration work. Experience the rich history of this beautiful building as we open doors to an inclusive learning environment, where accessibility is central. Come and experience the harmony between heritage and modern facilities during this unique visit to the renovated conservatory.


  • Tuesday, June 25: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m (FULL).

  • 15 participants

  • Guided tour in the morning by Philippe Mabilde (construction project expert at the Facility Management department), in the afternoon by Maarten Baeye, IR architect Studiobont Architecten

  • Address: Sint-Jakobsstraat 23-27

  • Accessibility: easily accessible to everyone.

Provincial Court

Discover the grandeur of the Provincial Court during a special visit that puts heritage and accessibility in the spotlight. As an iconic symbol of the provincial government, this historic building celebrates more than 125 years on the Market Square of Bruges. Owned by the Province of West Flanders since 2018, it has undergone a transformation into a hospitable home for all West Flemish people and visitors from outside the province. With a dedicated restoration inside and outside, including complete facade restoration and roof repair, the historic splendor is restored. But it doesn’t stop there. With adapted entrances, new lifts and even a changing place, the Provincial Court will become an example of inclusion. Come and discover how we embrace tradition while shaping an accessible future for this monumental heritage.


  • Wednesday, June 26: 9:30 am to 11 am

  • 20 participants

  • Guided tour by architects Luc Van Severen and Michiel van Felt

  • Start: Markt 3 in Bruges

  • Accessibility: easily accessible to everyone


Registration is now closed. if you want to attend onsite please write to in your email application).

There are still a few places available for:

  • Tuesday June 25, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, guided tour of the Bruges Conservatory
  • Tuesday June 25, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, tour of the BRUSK – museum site Bruges
  • Tuesday June 25, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, tour of the BRUSK – museum site Bruges
  • Tuesday June 25, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Bruges city walk