Species Protection Programme European Weatherfish
The general objective of a species protection programme is the sustainable survival of the species concerned in Flanders. In this way, the regional conservation objectives (G-IHD) for this species are fulfilled. The regional conservation status of the European weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) is currently considered to be very unfavourable. Area, population, quality and surface of habitat are all very unfavourable. In the draft species protection programme for European weatherfish we describe a package of measures to safeguard and expand the still existing populations as a first step towards the sustainable survival of this species in the long term. Measures are also proposed to improve the quality of habitats and to restore lost populations in suitable habitats.Status | Uitgevoerd |
Actual start/end date | 01/05/2019 - 31/12/2022 |
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Water
Isabel LambeensLinde Galle
Rein Brys
Hugo Verreycken
Johan Auwerx
Gerlinde Van Thuyne
Thomas Terrie
Joachim Mergeay
Yves Maes
Luc De Bruyn
Dirk Maes
Jeroen Van Wichelen
Olja Bezdenjesnji