Evaluation of pumps and hydroelectric power stations Albertkaanl (EVINBO)
Research on the safety of pumps and hydroelectric power stations for fish at Ham-Kwaadmechelen's lock on the Albertkanaal. NV De Scheepvaart wishes to evaluate the effects of the operation of the Ham installation on the fish stock, both in pump mode and turbine operation. The results of this evaluation study will be included in the design phase of the construction of installations at the other sluice complexes (Genk, Diepenbeek, Hasselt and Wijnegem). The purpose of the project is to carry out a quantitative evaluation of the effects of the operation of pumping plants and hydroelectric power plants at Ham's sluice complex on the fish stock in the Albertkanaal. The effect estimation is done separately for operation as a pump and as a turbine, and for open and closed jacks.Status | Uitgevoerd |
Actual start/end date | 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2018 |
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Water
Ans MoutonDavid Buysse
Emilie Gelaude
Ine Pauwels
Karen Robberechts
Nico De Maerteleire
Raf Baeyens
Jeroen Van Wichelen
Sophie Vermeersch
Johan Coeck
Lore Vandamme
Isabelle Papadopoulos
Sébastien Pieters
Ans Mouton