Analysis and reporting of game data in Flanders
In this project, the available game data in Flanders, including the figures from the reports of the game management units and the information from the hunting bag report forms for large game species, are being processed and reported in a standardised manner. Quality control of the biological parameters, which are important for management, is also a part of this project, through the collection and analysis of lower jaws of big game types. On the basis of the collected data and analyses, both annual overviews and multi-year reports are compiled that give a picture of the geographical differences and the trends in hunting bag data for all game species, and of the spring population estimates for a subset of game species. These reports provide a standardised basis for the evaluation and (where necessary) the adjustment of game management in Flanders. In addition, this information flows through to the preparation of the nature report and associated nature indicators by INBO. The biological parameters also undergo standardised analysis and reporting. Among other things, they provide better insight into the distribution of the hunting bag across the different age and sex categories. For roe deer, changes in these biological parameters provide an important indicator of changes in the relationship between the present roe deer populations and the current carrying capacity of the different areas. The evaluation of these parameters, along with the game bag and population trends, forms the basis for the scientific substantiation of the roe deer kill authorisation in the three-year plan. For wild boar, the data from this project contribute to the basic data necessary for modelling population dynamics and the impact of the hunting of certain age or sex categories on population growth. Collecting lower jaws as a means of accurate determination of the age category also makes it possible to carry out sampling for genetic research into the origin and relationship between the various sub-populations. All such information, in combination with other policy elements, forms the basis for the evaluation and possible adjustment of the management goals and measures for game species in Flanders.Status | Running |
Actual start/end date | 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2025 |
INBO Research theme(s)
- Wildlife management
Axel NeukermansErik Verschaffel
Filip Berlengee
Frank Huysentruyt
Jan Gouwy
Jan Vercammen
Jim Casaer
Sander Devisscher
Thomas Scheppers
Joris Vernaillen
Yasmine Verzelen
Anneleen Rutten
Lynn Pallemaerts
Soria Delva
Thomas Scheppers