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Flemish Cycling Policy

We need an ambitious cycling policy that can manage and sustain the rise in the use of bicycles in Flanders. For example, by 2040, we want the Flemish people to spontaneously choose the bicycle for short to medium trips, we want 30% of trips to be made by bicycle, we want there to be no more cycling fatalities on the roads and we want a smooth transition from cycling to other sustainable modes of transport. To achieve all this, we also seek inspiration from abroad.


We have four ambitions that set a course towards a 2040 in which cycling is even safer, more comfortable, more efficient and more economical.

  • Stap 1

    Cycling in Flanders is inclusive

    In 2040, everyone has access to a (shared) bicycle and can cycle safely and comfortably, regardless of age, culture, social class, …

  • Stap 2

    Safe and comfortable cycling routes

    In 2040, residential centres, schools, hotspots and major employment centres are safely and easily accessible by bicycle

  • Stap 3

    Hoppin points

    By 2040, Hoppin points (where you can easily switch from one mode of transport to another) with quality bicycle parking facilities will be fully established.

  • Stap 4

    Bicycle transport in logistics

    By 2040, parcels in cities will by default be delivered by bicycle couriers. That brings us another step closer to greener and more efficient small-scale provisioning.

More and better cycling

The latest Travel Behaviour Survey by the Department of Mobility and Public Works (Oct 2021 - Nov 2022) shows that, on average, the Fleming travels 2.7 times and 29.8 km a day. Our cycling and walking are increasing: 18% of all our journeys are done by bicycle, 17% on foot. For commuting, 22% of the Flemish cycle. More than half of the Flemish use their bicycle at least once or several times a week: 29% of the Flemish people cycle daily, 27% weekly. 77% of Flemish households have at least 1 bicycle, 35% of which cycle electrically, compared to 20% in 2019. The use of shared systems remains relatively limited: 2.3% sometimes uses a shared bike, 1.8% a shared car. Bike satisfaction rose to 46% in 2022, 5% more than in the first survey in 2018. But, of course, there is still work to be done.

Bike to tomorrow

At the Flemish level, the 2040 objective will be realised step-by-step and in close coordination with all partners involved. Instead of stagnating, we must keep moving forward. All best practices and experiences from abroad are welcome for this purpose. As a guiding country in cycling, we also like to share our own expertise with international partners.