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Flanders, Together in Motion

Flanders: an ambitious region in the heart of Europe. Small in size but big in potential. Strategically positioned as an active gateway and committed to developing optimal mobility. A partner for innovation and pioneering knowledge. Join us as we transform our mobility landscape, making it sustainable, safe and seamlessly efficient.

Highlight: Belgian EU Presidency

In the first half of 2024, Belgium held the presidency for the EU Council. Given the division of powers in Belgium, Flanders was actively involved in both the regulatory processes and results as well as the organisation of 5 events to highlight important themes on the European agenda. As a concluding document, the Presidency shared the Memorandum of Brussels during the Formal Council for Transport on 18 June 2024.

Together towards 4 ambitions

Our society is constantly changing. Flanders and its mobility must evolve with it. So, we are putting forward 4 ambitions. These indicate the direction we want to go.

  • Stap 1

    Road safety

    We are working on safe modes of transportation, good traffic behavior and a safe environment, by adopting a cross-border approach.

  • Stap 2

    Sustainable and smooth transportation

    We are committed to sustainable means of transport, alternative fuels, active mobility and collective transport systems.

  • Stap 3

    High-performance infrastructure

    To ensure our infrastructure’s resilience, we want to move toward a life-cycle approach and data-driven prioritization of investments.

  • Stap 4

    Dealing with climate change

    By investing in alternative fuels, water control and other climate-related aspects of our infrastructure, we create a more sustainable mobility ecosystem.

Together in motion towards optimal mobility

Thanks to an extensive transport network, Flanders is the ideal setting for the most efficient multimodal transport system possible. One in which inland navigation, active mobility and the greening of road, air and maritime transport all have their place. With excellent access to European markets and networks. And the power to connect people and places. We want to continue optimizing this network. By giving it a central role in traffic and logistics in Europe. And by collaborating on it across borders.

Together in motion towards groundbreaking knowledge

Flanders has a lot of knowledge and expertise on mobility and public works. Together with our high-quality educational and research institutions, along with other countries, we continue to develop and share it. As a result, this expertise is not only used in Flanders, but also far beyond, to tackle challenges and stimulate innovation.

Together in motion towards sustainable partnerships

Shared interests, mutual benefits and synergy. That is what Flanders strives for in every collaboration. We are a reliable partner. We share our knowledge, information, resources and people with numerous international projects and initiatives. Because taking on new mobility challenges is something we do together.

Together in motion towards future-proof solutions

In Flanders, we are ambitious and progressive. We are constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions. With a hands-on mentality and an efficient and solution-oriented approach. That is why we currently play a pioneering role in the field of mobility and public works.

Together in motion towards far-reaching connectivity

Climate change. Digitalization. Multimodality. All challenges that force us to work together. To seek solutions that reach beyond the borders of our region. After all, we are part of an increasingly connected world. In that world, Flanders wants to be the gateway to a larger, integrated system.

The Flemish powers

Belgium is a federal system with no hierarchy between governments. As a federated state, Flanders has external competence for all its internal powers (mobility and public works, economy, trade, education, culture, etc.) and has full competence to enter treaties. The Belgian constitution stipulates that federal and regional governments are placed on a level playing field in shaping both domestic and foreign policy matters within the European Union and on a broader international level.

Within the policy area of Mobility and Public Works the Flemish Government holds the following powers:

  • Active mobility

    infrastructure & investments, bike promotion & multimodal solutions

  • Inland waterways

    waterway regulations, port policy & infrastructure, water management

  • Road

    infrastructure, road & traffic management, road safety, driving schools, intelligent transport systems, charging & alternative fuels infrastructure, policy on freight, logistics & transport of dangerous goods

  • Public transport

    bus, light rail & ferries, mobility plans to promote public transport, MaaS

  • Maritime

    ports, maritime safety, management near coastal shipping & coastal protection

  • Aviation

    regional airports development & management