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I dare to take the train (NMBS)



This learning guide has been drawn up by the NMBS, both for people who have difficulty understanding and knowing where they are going and for supervisors.
With this guide, the NMBS wants to help people learn to travel by train in Belgium.
You can put together a tailor-made guide, it describes how you can prepare a train journey, from which station do you depart, where do you buy a train ticket, at which platform do you have to board…
You can find information in it to find your way in the major train stations, to find and read the right information, to ask for help, to use a vending machine, to adapt to malfunctions, changes or delays.
Make a help card with all the practical information for traveling and also the name and telephone number of the companion to call if necessary.
The steps to be taken and what you can do in which situation are described in the presentation and you can supplement and personalize it yourself.