Flemish Resilience
Flemish Resilience makes Flanders resilient. The Government of Flanders’ ambitious investment plan ensures the transition to a sustainable and digital economy and is investing in people and talents. In this way, Flanders is ready for tomorrow.
The recovery plan is divided into 7 key focal points, 36 clusters and 181 projects. The first report on the progress of these projects was submitted in March 2021. Two more reports followed in September and December of that same year. In 2022 the two measurements were in June and December. Next report will be submitted in December 2023.
Progress Report December 2023
Compared to the previous measurements, clear progress has been achieved once again. The shift has been made from a large peloton of projects that are ‘on schedule and in progress’ to a leading group of projects already realised.
18% of the 181 recovery projects (33) have been given ‘Realised’ status. This represents an increase by 20 completed projects compared to the previous year. 78% of the projects (141) are in progress and on schedule. Only three projects were discontinued and four projects require additional attention.
1,483 of the 1,753 milestones between 2020 and 2030 are either on schedule or have been realised, which represents 84.6% of all milestones. We are expecting a further sharp increase in the number of realised projects in 2024, 2025 and 2026. After all, those years contain the largest number of final project milestones.
In 2023, commitment appropriations continued to increase slightly to €4.168 billion, or 97% of the recovery funds initially allocated. €2.16 billion or 50.28% of the €4.3 billion of recovery funds had been settled by 31 December 2023. This is an increase of €853 million or 19.83% compared to the previous measurement on 31 December 2022.
Key focal points
To familiarise the general public with the recovery plan, the Flemish public administration launched a broad campaign through social media and visual publicity in summer 2021.
Download campaign material (zip file):
- E-mail footers in English, French and German
- Banner Flemish Resilience (English)
- EU logo (English)
In the autumn, a variety of videos were promoted through social media and in summer 2022, the website was updated to include stories of successful achievements.