Transforming Flanders digitally
The Government of Flanders is developing the digital talents of all people of Flanders. It valorises data as a raw material of the economy and society and is working on the digital transformation of public service delivery.
The digital transformation of Flanders is one of the key levers for driving the recovery. It is about more than digitising paper processes. It is also about changing the way businesses and government work and communicate. And about how we organise public service delivery and tackle societal issues. That is why the Government of Flanders wants to develop the digital talents of all in order to ensure a successful transformation.
This transformation is based on three pillars.
Digital transformation of the economy and society by valorising data as the raw material of the economy and society
The Government of Flanders wants to enable data to flow and to be opened up smoothly, safely and in a privacy-proof way, so that digital applications can be developed more easily, in both the public and private sectors. Today, data is still too often fragmented.
The Government of Flanders encourages companies to integrate new data and digital applications and to step up their research and development efforts in the digital field.
In addition, the Government of Flanders will set up a data utility company for Flanders. This company will be an intelligent data hub. It will provide:
- a level data playing field
- data sharing across sectors without businesses, organisations and authorities losing control over access to their data.
To get the data flowing, 5G is needed in Flanders. The Government of Flanders is investing in an accelerated roll-out of a fibre network and 5G in cooperation with inter-municipal and private companies, such as Fluvius and mobile operators.
It is also investing in an innovative digital transformation programme for Flemish and regional media.
The Government of Flanders focuses strongly on the digitalisation of care policy. This will include a digital care and support plan and electronic patient records for primary care.
Digital transformation of public service delivery
The environment in which people and businesses function is the starting point for the development of digital public service delivery.
The Government of Flanders is setting up a support structure for a more coherent digital transformation of the Flemish and local authorities. It is launching an association desk and accelerating the roll-out of My Citizen Profile (‘Mijn Burgerprofiel’) as well as the e-desk for businesses. These desks can become fully-fledged, unique digital gateways to the services of local, Flemish and federal authorities.
Investments in the digitalisation of the public administration also serve as a lever for our local technology industry. To this end, the Government of Flanders is supporting local authorities in their efforts to develop and scale up their smart city projects.
Development of digital talents
The corona crisis has clearly demonstrated the importance of digitalisation at school, on the labour market and in society. And yet, in all age groups and layers of society, there are still people who are hesitating.
The Government of Flanders aims to strengthen the digital skills of all people of Flanders and is supporting initiatives to get vulnerable groups to join the digitalisation wave.