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Making government more efficient

The Government of Flanders is seizing this crisis as an opportunity to introduce reforms and to structurally improve the functioning of the Flemish public administration.

Less red tape and greater efficiency

Public and private initiatives should reinforce rather than work against each other. That is why the Government of Flanders is working on speeding up permit and appeal procedures, e.g. by investing in a Flemish knowledge administration and in administrative simplification. Less red tape and greater efficiency are the goals.

Decentralisation and spending reviews

The local authorities are partners for a more efficient government. For this reason, the Government of Flanders is conducting a thorough decentralisation exercise: which powers and resources can be transferred to the local level?

Spending reviews will scrutinise public expenditure, evaluating the appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of the expenditure. At the same time, a list will be compiled of reforms and savings that can be achieved, for example, by working more efficiently, effectively and digitally. These reforms will lead to a more efficient Flemish public administration and provide a more solid basis for making budgetary choices.