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W². Customized work and welfare programs. An all-in concept

december 2011
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
In this study, a blueprint for an all-in concept is developed aimed at achieving (labour) integration for those groups which – for various reasons – are the furthest removed from the labour market. This all-in concept covers the following: (1) the identification of various target groups and their needs, (2) a refinement of the concept of integrated programs, with a range of possible employment and support services and (3) elements of an organisational and policy framework in which the various services concerned can work together optimally. This concept of programs was called W². The label reflects the synergy between work and welfare. A program that encompasses both of these domains (to be interpreted in the broadest possible sense) has a better chance of success than the sum of the individual, partial services, hence the quadratic term. Conditions are attached to such synergies. In general the programs will be much longer than is the current practice with the Flemish employment agency VDAB (six months); they not only focus on the jobseeker but on all stakeholders in the system (services, intermediaries, employers); the objective is extended from 'formal employment' to a range of alternative forms of 'active citizenship' and the method is inclusive, integrated, participative, structured and coordinated.
December 2011
Arbeidsmarkt , Toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt
HIVA, Katrien Steenssens, Leen Sannen, Gijs Ory, Ides Nicaise, Tine Van Regenmortel