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Studying retirement from a career perspective. Are people who take charge of their career less inclined to retire?

april 2014
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
To deal with demographic changes in the labor market and an increasing life expectancy, it is important for older workers to extend their working lives (European Commission 2012). A significant amount of research has been conducted in the past few decades on factors impacting individuals’ transition into retirement. Most of these studies look at personal factors (for example, health or wealth), family factors (for example, spouse working status or care status), job and organizational factors (for example, job characteristics or age stereotypes at the workplace) and institutional factors (for example, early retirement schemes) influencing this transition (see for instance Feldman 1994; Shultz, Morton and Weckerle 1998; Wang and Schulz 2010). They focus on factors pushing or pulling older workers into retirement at a particular moment in time.
April 2014
Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie – KULeuven, An De Coen, Luc Sels, Anneleen Forrier