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Influence of work quality on the retirement intentions of low-educated and work disabled of 50 years or older in Flanders

juni 2011
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
The ageing of the European population and stagnating birth rates have profound consequences on the labor markets. This trend is likely to become aggravated in the coming years when the baby-boom generation reaches its retirement age (Blekesaune & Solem, 2005; Pelfrene, 2005; Schreurs, Van Emmerik, De Cuyper, Notelaers, & De Witte, 2010). Many investigators have analyzed the implications of this evolution, as a major policy challenge is to increase the number of gainfully employed people of older age by influencing the determinants of early exit from the labor market (Siegrist, Wahrendorf, Von Dem Knesebeck, Jürges, & Börsch-Supan, 2006). Previous research does not always treat the group of older employees as heterogeneous, in regard to the antecedents of the retirement process. However, this is not the case. In Flanders, in 2010, 27.1% of the low-educated persons of 55 years and older were at work in comparison with 52.8% of the high-educated (Statistics Belgium, 2011). In 2009, 38.2% of the employees who indicated to be troubled to a small or greater degree by a disability, a chronic disorder or protracted illness, were 50 years of age or older (VDAB, 2010a). This group has a lower labor force participation than their counterparts without a labor disability (Verbelen, Samoy, & Van Geel, 2005). In this report we will take a closer look at the work quality at the end of the career of both low-educated and labor disabled persons of 50 years and older, as it is also important to stimulate the labor force participation of people with specific needs in the respective categories.
Juni 2011
Gelijke kansen arbeidsmarkt , Kwaliteit van de arbeid , Loopbaan
Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie - Cello, UA, Caroline Masquillier, Maxim Kovalenko, Dimitri Mortelmans