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Disadvantaged groups in work and entrepreneurship

december 2011
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
On 1 January 2005, Flanders introduced an entitlement to career counselling for employed people. To receive recognition by the government- and hence be entitled to receive funding - career counselling centres must make sure that disadvantaged groups constitute 50% of their total clientele. In this, the government distinguishes five “disadvantaged groups”: (1) ethnic minorities; (2) people with disabilities; (3) older workers (50+); (4) low-skilled people; and (5) medium-skilled people. However, reaching these disadvantaged groups appears to be less than simple. Many centres do not manage to meet the 50% target, or only with extreme effort. To evaluate how problematic this is, it is important to first examine the way these disadvantaged groups have been selected and defined in the career counselling policy.
December 2011
Gelijke kansen arbeidsmarkt
KULeuven, Koen Van Laer, Marijke Verbruggen, Maddy Janssens