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Charlotte Noël




Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73
1000 Brussel

Experienced qualitative researcher well-versed in managing and executing all aspects of qualitative research including but not limited to the formulation of pertinent research questions, organizing recruitment, creation of interview guides, doing fieldwork (in depth face-to-face interviews, group discussions, DELPHI-method, concept mapping,…), analysing outcomes and writing reports.

Lots of experience with presenting  - both online and in real life - for different audiences (different educational levels, in different languages, for clients, at conferences, for students, for civil society,…). Interested in qualitative research, interdisciplinary studies, applied research, teaching, coordination and cooperation, perceptions, Brussels, urban environmental policy, environmental (ine)quality, environmental attitudes and behaviours,… Formed as a sociologist, anthropologist and teacher. Driven by wonder and curiosity, open for new experiences and unknown horizons, eager to learn.


ORCID ORCID logo 0000-0001-7651-8090
Teams Nature & Society