The field application of INBOVEG: a powerful tool to improve data collecting
Number of pages | 1 |
Pages (to-from) | 40 |
Type | Paper/Powerpoint/Abstract |
Category | Research |
Language | English |
title = "The field application of INBOVEG: a powerful tool to improve data collecting",
abstract = "",
author = "Sophie Vermeersch and Pieter Vandenbroucke and Aaike De Wever and Aaike De Wever and Sten Migerode and Kevin Vertongen and Els De Bie",
year = "2022",
month = may,
day = "09",
doi = "",
language = "English",
publisher = "Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek",
address = "Belgium,
type = "Other"
Sophie VermeerschPieter Vandenbroucke
Aaike De Wever
Aaike De Wever
Sten Migerode
Kevin Vertongen
Els De Bie