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Deepening of the Europaterminal: monitoring for potential impacts (EVINBO)

(photo INBO)
(photo INBO)


For the Europaterminal in the Antwerp port area (right bank of the Zeeschelde), a deepening of the mooring locations near the terminal in the Scheldt estuary will take place. A new quay wall will also be built. The Europa terminal is located in the sphere of influence of a Natura2000 area and in the direct vicinity of Natura2000 habitat types 1330 and 1320. In the environmental impact report, potential impacts were identified both on abiotic and biotic aspects. In order to visualize these potential impacts during and after execution of the works, thorough project monitoring is essential. In particular, within the area of influence in the northern part of the Galgenschoor. The various abiotic and biotic aspects are included here: current, waves, height development and sediment composition of mudflats and salt marshes, and salt marsh vegetation. Research into the impact on waves and currents will be carried out by third parties. (EV)INBO will focus on the vegetation cover and on the developments of the height and sediment quality of the mudflats and salt marshes.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 13/04/2022 - 30/12/2025


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Water