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PollHab - Pollinators typical of habitats protected under the Habitats Directive


Reversing the decline of pollinators is an objective of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. In 2023, the Commission adopted the Revision of the EU Pollinator Initiative – A new deal for pollinators, which updates and expands the EU Pollinators Initiative that was first published in 2018. The initiative provides a comprehensive action framework to tackle the causes of pollinator decline. The revised EU Pollinators Initiative includes Action 4.2. “The Commission will identify pollinators typical of habitats protected under the Habitats Directive. Member States should ensure that the measures implemented for these habitats, in particular under Natura 2000 management plans, take pollinator conservation into account. Member States should secure adequate funding for those measures”. The aim of this tender is to help the Commission implement Action 4.2 to support the Member States in including pollinator species as typical species for the habitats protected under the Habitats Directive. Specifically, in the following sections we describe how we intend to develop the criteria to characterise the typical pollinator species, how to identify a list of typical species for all the terrestrial habitats of Community interest (“the habitats”) and how to recommend management measures for those habitats in support of the conservation objectives of the selected typical species. We acknowledge that beside wild bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths, European wild insect pollinators also include other less-known groups such as wasps and non-syrphid flies. However, for this tender, we will focus only on four major groups (i.e. wild bees, syrphids, macro-moths and butterflies) for which we have enough distribution data and expert capacity at the European level to identify typical species for a large number of habitats.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 15/12/2024 - 15/12/2026



  • habitat_directive
  • pollinators


Dirk Maes