In this project, we are evaluating the first game detection system in Flanders. The game detection system on the N73 is the result of a cooperation agreement between the Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (AWV), the Agentschap Natuur en Bos (ANB) and the Departement Omgeving. The game detection system has been in service since March 25th 2019, and aims to increase local road safety and tackle the fragmentation problem of animal species, including various game species. An evaluation is currently required because this game detection system is the first in Flanders and thus serves as an example installation. INBO has placed a number of camera traps near this wildlife detection system on the N73 in order to contribute to its evaluation.
We want to gain insight into the sensitivity of the detection system for the target species: wild boar, roe deer and wolf. We will examine whether the number of traffic casualties will be reduced by activating the wildlife detection system. The expertise gained will be used by INBO to formulate a number of suggestions for future detection systems.
Status |
Uitgevoerd |
Actual start/end date |
01/01/2021 - 30/04/2021 |
INBO Research theme(s)