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COST Action CA19128 "Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation" (PEN-CAFoRR)


This COST action aims to increase knowledge about (re)afforestation in relation to predicted climate change. Technical guidelines are being drawn up for the entire forest development cycle and for various ecosystems. Four working groups will be set to work. The INBO will contribute to two working groups. Working group 2 'Facing the change': - Importance of forest tree cultivation - Guidelines for the choice of species and origin, taking into account climate change - Impact of transfer of reproductive material on genetic diversity and on existing forest ecosystems Workgroup 3 'Quality matters': - Guidelines for selection and production of forest reproductive material - Quality control (morphological, physiological and genetic) of breeding material
Status Uitgevoerd
Actual start/end date 08/10/2020 - 07/10/2024


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Forest
  • Climate