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Biodiversity monitoring agro-ecological fields South-Hageland

(photo Jeroen Mentens - Vildaphoto)
(photo Jeroen Mentens - Vildaphoto)


Within the PDPO-project \Agro-ecological cereals for bread, beer, biodiversity and soil\, the Regional Landscape South-Hageland and the Applied Agricultural Center of Flemish Brabant are guiding farmers in the agro-ecological cultivation of cereals. There is already monitoring of the cultivation practices. INBO was invited to monitor biodiversity. We will organise this monitoring in cocreation with the farmers. This project will enrich the project MBAG-cocreation (Monitoring biodiversity in agricultural areas), where biodiversity data are shared and discussed wit farmers and cooperation is searched for.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/05/2024 - 01/09/2025


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Agriculture


  • agriculture
  • monitoring