Data from: Dispersal constraints for the conservation of the grassland herb Thymus pulegioides L. in a highly fragmented agricultural landscape
The file Thymus pulegioides AFLP data.csv includes the binary matrix of AFLP band presence (1) – absence (0) for 155 AFLP-markers and 287 individuals of Thymus pulegioides sampled in 19 populations in central-east Flanders (Northern Belgium). The matrix also include the spatial coordinates of each sampled population, given in the two last columns. The markers are numbered M1 to M155.Publisher | Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek |
Geographical coverage | Vlaanderen |
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Data & infrastructure
Taxonomic List
- seed-bearing plants (Spermatopsida)
Policy related
- biodiversity policy
- species directed nature management
Biomedical sciences (EWI categorisation)
- B004-botany
An Vanden BroeckT Ceulemans
Gunter Kathagen
Maurice Hoffmann
Olivier Honnay
Joachim Mergeay