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Data from: Dispersal constraints for the conservation of the grassland herb Thymus pulegioides L. in a highly fragmented agricultural landscape

Unfortunately the abstract isn't available in English yet.


The file Thymus pulegioides AFLP data.csv includes the binary matrix of AFLP band presence (1) – absence (0) for 155 AFLP-markers and 287 individuals of Thymus pulegioides sampled in 19 populations in central-east Flanders (Northern Belgium). The matrix also include the spatial coordinates of each sampled population, given in the two last columns. The markers are numbered M1 to M155.
Publisher Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Geographical coverage Vlaanderen


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Data & infrastructure

Taxonomic List

  • seed-bearing plants (Spermatopsida)

Policy related

  • biodiversity policy
  • species directed nature management

Biomedical sciences (EWI categorisation)

  • B004-botany


An Vanden Broeck
T Ceulemans
Gunter Kathagen
Maurice Hoffmann
Olivier Honnay
Joachim Mergeay