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shallowgroundwater: estimated zones with shallow groundwater in the Flemish region of Belgium


The data source shallowgroundwater is a geospatial dataset of multipolygons that represent the estimated areas, in the Flemish region of Belgium, where the mean lowest groundwater level (MLW; Knotters & Van Walsum, 1997; Van Heesen, 1970) is less than approximately 2 m below soil surface (hence, “shallow” groundwater). We expect groundwater dependent species and communities to be present within these areas. Outside these areas we assume they are groundwater independent. We combined several data sources in order to estimate these areas.
Datum ter beschikking 15/12/2021
Uitgeverij Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek


INBO Onderzoeksdomein(en)

  • Water
  • Data & Infrastructuur