Data from: Gene flow and effective population sizes of the butterfly Maculinea alcon in a highly fragmented, anthropogenic landscape
The file Maculinea alcon microsatellite data includes the data from 12 microsatellites for 398 unique genotypes of Maculinea alcon from in total 14 sampling locations located in Belgium and The Netherlands. The data matrix also include the spatial coordinates of each sampled population, given in the two last columns.Uitgeverij | DRYAD |
Geografische dekking | Belgium, the Netherlands |
INBO Onderzoeksdomein(en)
- Beschermde natuur
- Data & Infrastructuur
Taxonomische lijst
- dagvlinders (Lepidoptera)
- soortgericht natuurbeheer
EWI Biomedische wetenschappen
- B003-ecologie
- B005-dierkunde
An Vanden BroeckDirk Maes
Andreas Kelager
Irma Wynhoff
Michiel F. Wallis de Vries
David R. Nash
Gerard Oostermeijer
Hans Van Dyck
Joachim Mergeay