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Sports participation

Published on 24 April 2024 • Next update: March 2025
Inhoud is aan het laden
Inhoud is aan het laden
Inhoud is aan het laden

In the autumn of 2023, 9 out of 10 residents of the Flemish Region aged 18 years and older indicated that they participate in sports at least once a year (90%). That is slightly more than in previous years. In 2021 it was 86%. Sport is interpreted broadly here. It also involves walking and cycling.

Comparable figures on sports participation for the period before 2021 are not available.

Not everyone who exercises does so with the same frequency. In 2023, 64% exercised at least weekly, 25% (almost) daily.

Walking and cycling are the most practiced sports

The most practiced sports at the end of 2023 were walking and cycling. Of the people who exercise at least once a year, 78% indicated that they walk. 60% indicated that they cycled.

Higher sports participation among young people and highly educated people

In 2023, young people indicated that they practiced sports more often than older age groups. Sports participation was also higher among highly and medium-skilled people than among low-skilled people.


  1. Statistics Flanders:
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