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Application for recognition as a reporter training institution

As a training institution, you can submit an application as of 2015 to be recognised to provide in-service training to reporters in accordance with the legislation. 


With this application, you commit to providing in-service training (courses) in accordance with the Ministerial Order of 28 december 2018. (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

You provide insight into the approach and objectives of your training packages. This application will also check whether you meet all the conditions set out in the Ministerial Order of 28 December 2018. You should provide us with the details of the training courses at a later stage, after the approval of this application.


The general recognition can be applied for in three steps:

  • Stap 1

    Development of one or more training courses

    The training institution should develop one or more training courses that comply with the Ministerial Order.

  • Stap 2


    The training institution should deliver the ‘application for recognition as a training institution to provide in-service training’ (in Dutch)(Word file opens in new window) by registered post, against receipt, to the Energy and Climate Agency of Flanders (VEKA), at the address below. You should always use the form in the above link. This is the latest version.

    Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatagentschap
    Erkenningsaanvraag Vorming EPB
    Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw - 7de verdieping
    Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 17,
    1000 Brussel

  • Stap 3


    The training institution should submit the complete application (above form + annexes) in digital form by e-mail to in your email application), with ‘Erkenningsaanvraag Vorming EPB’ (EPB Training Recognition Application) as subject line, so that the Agency can quickly process the application.

    If you scan the documents, you should scan each annex separately and clearly name the different annexes.

After approval

After approval of the planned approach, you should notify VEKA of the training courses (in Dutch) you are offering.