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Flemish Task Force on Autonomous Transport

The Flemish Task Force on Autonomous Transport seeks to guide the development of autonomous transport in Flanders and facilitate new pilot projects. The focus for the 2023-2028 period is both on passenger mobility and goods transport.

A joint study commissioned by the Department of Mobility and Public Works (MOW), the Agency for Roads and Traffic (AWV), the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) and De Lijn recommended not only launching new pilot projects but also setting up a Task Force on Autonomous Transport. The Task Force would serve to shape autonomous transport policy and coordinate relevant pilot projects in Flanders.

The Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works set up the Task Force in 2023, bringing together and applying all the necessary expertise from industry, the academic sector, research institutions, interest groups, governments, etc. in Flanders.

Working groups

Several working groups were defined under the Flemish Task Force on Autonomous Transport:

  • Regulation
  • Physical and Digital Infrastructure
  • Hub of the Flemish Ecosystem
  • AT Fleet Operator
  • Network Architect
  • Multimodal Traffic Manager
  • Customer Platform
  • Local Mobility Management
  • Infrastructure Operator

The working groups below have already started. The others will start at a later stage: