News September 2024

Grazing in nature: a new book

Large grazers such as cattle, horses and sheep have long been a familiar sight in European nature reserves. Yet their presence still often raises questions among nature managers, nature lovers and hikers. But researchers also remain intrigued by these animals and far from all questions about their role in nature have been answered.

The new book ‘Grazing in Dutch and Flemish nature reserves - Practice and backgrounds’ brought together researchers and experts by experience. The authors take the reader through a story that explains the ecological and historical role of domesticated and wild large grazers in the landscape, with a direct link to contemporary nature management and the possible strategies involved.

Much attention is also paid to practice. Nature managers gain insight into the complex tangle of animal and breed selection, herd management and genetics, working with fences, transport, care and animal welfare, cooperation with farmers, legislation, interaction with predators, dealing with the public and communication.

The book is intended for wildlife managers, policy-makers and students. It is accessibly written and richly illustrated with photos, figures and diagrams. Box texts, including some 15 example sites from the Netherlands and Flanders, zoom in on a particular aspect of grazing. These cover, for example, forest grazing or grazing on former agricultural land, introduction of wisents, common pastures, domestication, interactions between different ungulate species and cross-border grazing.

The book is written in Dutch, but is had English summaries .

Jan Van Uytvanck

>> Buy the book online


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