News September 2024

25 years of nature reporting: looking back is looking forward

The first Nature Report was published in 1999. Now, 25 years and 12 reports later, it is time for reflection. In those 25 years, the problems surrounding biodiversity and climate have become increasingly complex and more intertwined than ever with our well-being and prosperity. Within nature reporting in Flanders, but also far beyond, this is causing new thinking and a broadening of the view on biodiversity.

What evolutions have we gone through? What substantive, policy and organisational changes did we go through and test out? Who were the stakeholders in this process? And what, if any, is interesting to take into the future? You can read about it in this retrospective.

Anik Schneiders

Read more: Schneiders A. (2024). 25 jaar natuurrapportering: terugblikken is vooruit kijken. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek 2024 (29). Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussel.


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