News March 2024

First results of plant measurement networks: winners and losers

The Species Monitoring Programme, led by INBO and the Agency for Nature and Forests, is dedicated to gathering accurate information on priority species in Flanders. Volunteers participate by counting species using standardised methods coordinated by the NGO Natuurpunt. The programme includes monitoring schemes for 24 plant species, consisting in total of about 240 sites that are counted every three years.
First results indicate that there are both winners and losers. Comparing total population sizes for Flanders between the periods 2016-2018 and 2019-2021, we see:

  • a moderate to strong increase for 11 plant species: Scorzonera humilis, Scirpus pungens, Platanthera bifolia, Ranunculus ololeucos, Gentianella uliginosa, Orchis morio, Mentha pulegium, Juncus capitatus, Halimione pedunculata, Hammarbya paludosa, and Orchis purpurea
  • a moderate to strong decrease for 10 plant species: Wahlenbergia hederacea, Deschampsia setacea, Orobanche rapum-genistae, Herminium monorchis, Scirpus triqueter, Eriophorum gracile, Potamogeton acutifolius, Bupleurum tenuissimum and Potamogeton compressus
  • a stable status for 3 plant species: Stratiotes aloides, Carex diandra and Potamogeton coloratus

Toon Westra, Wouter Van Landuyt, Roosmarijn Steeman, Sam Van de Poel en Hans Van Calster

Read more: Westra, T., et. al. (2023). Resultaten van de plantenmeetnetten in Vlaanderen. Periode 2016 ‐ 2021. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur‐ en Bosonderzoek 2023 (51). Instituut voor Natuur‐ en Bosonderzoek, Brussel. DOI: 10.21436/inbor.99216099

Image above: Lady orchid (photo Wouter Van Landuyt)


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