News June 2024

Keep up to date with new sightings of invasive alien species

Rapid response is crucial with invasive alien species to avoid continued establishment and expansion. To organise such a rapid response, nature managers need to be aware of new sightings as soon as possible. Open nature data are a powerful tool in this regard.

This can be done with LIFE RIPARIAS's rapid alert system (Early Alert). It centralises open data from various sources by picking them from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The data comes from official monitoring and scientific projects, but also from citizen science, in which the weekly updated data from is an important source.

Do you manage invasive alien species? Do you want to know where they occur? Do you want to be notified when they show up in your area? Do you want to know the situation in neighbouring areas? Sign up, configure your alerts and receive updates in your mailbox on new sightings from all possible data sources. Explore distribution patterns on an interactive map. Do you have your own data on exotics not yet in this system or would you like to configure it better for the areas that concern you or your organisation? Contact RIPARIAS.

Tim Adriaens, Lien Reyserhove


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