News January 2024

Ten steps for engaging stakeholders in nature-based solutions

INBO developed a roadmap for involving stakeholders in ecological restoration projects in urban areas. By involving stakeholders, you can bring different knowledge, expertises and perspectives to the project. This allows a better incorporation of the local context, needs and wishes into the project. An inclusive and participatory project thus gains relevance, credibility and support.

The step-by-step roadmap provides guidance in order to develop a concrete plan, implement it and make adjustments when necessary. It is part of a broader stakeholder engagement strategy, developed within INTERLACE,

a European project in order to promote urban nature restoration. That strategy includes information on a best practice and a troubleshooting section for engagement activities, as well as some examples. These come from the INTERLACE context, but the principles, ideas and steps are also applicable to other urban greening projects involving stakeholders.

The visual summary below presents the main steps of the roadmap to engage stakeholders. In The report 'INTERLACE Stakeholder Engagement Strategy' includes, among others, a comprehensive explanation of the roadmap and the best practices.

Michael Leone, Julie Callebaut


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