News January 2024

New recommendations for invasive species management

The Invasive Alien Species Regulation requires European member states to set management targets for a set of species on the so-called 'Union list'.Since the last exercise, 39 species were added to the Union list.This now brings the total to 88.

New species are best removed quickly. Species that are already more widespread are eradicated, contained or controlled.

Management in the field must be feasible and sensible, but at the same time evidence-based. Decisions on this should also be transparent and supported by site managers.

For 19 new Union list species that may become established in Belgium, INBO collaborated in the preparation of an invasion scenario and two alternative management strategies. More than 31 experienced Belgian experts then evaluated the feasibility of these strategies using a risk management protocol. They estimated for each management strategy the effectiveness, practicalilty, cost, acceptability, side effects, urgency of management and the likelihood of reinvasion. Based on this, a recommendation was made for each species for their management.

This review aims to inform decision-making around the management of invasive species in Flanders and Belgium. The review was a cooperation between INBO, DEMNA and the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. The National Scientific Secretariat on Invasive Alien Species coordinated the study.

Tim Adriaens, Jane Reniers (Nationaal Secretariaat voor Invasieve Uitheemse Soorten)

Read more: Reniers, J., Jacobs, A., Adriaens, T., Branquart, E., D'hondt, B., & Vanderhoeven, S. (2023). Feasibility of eradication and spread limitation for species of Union concern sensu the EU IAS Regulation (EU 1143/2014) in Belgium. Volume 2. Species of the 2nd and 3rd update of the Union list. National Scientific Secretariat on Invasive Alien Species - Belgium.

Image above: The African clawed frog is an invasive alien species on the Union list. An eradication programme is ongoing for this species (photo INBO)



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