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Nature Report 2014

This nature report (NARA-T) describes the state of the ecosystems in Flanders, the services they generate and the value they represent for society. NARA-T is primarily an inventory of existing knowledge and information, which is presented through a common framework of ecosystem services. As a reference work on ecosystem services, it provides a knowledge base for an ecosystem approach to open space.

In order to realise the objectives of NARA-T, we will try to find an answer to the following research questions :

  1. How does man influence ecosystem services?
  2. What is the state and trend of ecosystems and biodiversity?
  3. What is the state and trend of ecosystem services?
  4. What is the role of biodiversity for ecosystem services?
  5. How do ecosystem services contribute to well-being?
  6. How can we value ecosystem services?
  7. How can we use ecosystems and their services in a multifunctional way?
  8. What are the characteristics of an ESD-oriented policy?

The synthesis report ('Flanders Regional Ecosystem Assessment - State and trends of ecosystems and their services in Flanders. Key findings of the Technical Report') summarises the main findings of the technical reports (available in Dutch only) and formulates policy recommendations. Whereas the technical report is primarily intended as a scientifically sound basic document, the synthesis report is written for a broad audience of policy makers and other stakeholders.